Office Information
PHA Pediatrics is an independent private practice. We accept most major insurance plans and are currently accepting new patients.
Appointments are necessary to be seen by a provider, and patients will receive automated telephone reminders for upcoming visits. For children who are sick, we will always try to schedule a same-day appointment.
Our Patient Portal allows you to access much of your child's health information, billing information, and appointment schedule at your convenience with all of the latest web security assured. It also offers you an alternative way to contact the office (but not in the case of an emergency). If you cannot yet access your Patient Portal, please ask your provider at your next appointment.
You can reach Dr. Anolik or Dr. Hillis with questions and concerns about your child at 215-452-0304 or through the Patient Portal (not for emergencies). On nights and weekends the office phone recording will direct you to the provider on call.